sanctuary SKYLIGHT
The skylight was conceived as a rather dimly-lit space, with the south wall dramatically lit by light from concealed sources-a skylight and monumental east window. This effect had been lost, however. Little light was coming through the skylight and the window had been covered with black Visqueen.
The glass block skylight was very dirty and, due to leaks, had been covered by a second, acrylic skylight that was also leaking. Light was barely able to filter through.
Our work involved cleaning and sealing the original glass block and installation of a new glass skylight structure above it. It was important to maintain the profile as low as possible, and ventilation was introduced to the space between skylights. Blinds were installed on the monumental east window, replacing the black plastic sheeting.
The result restores light to the sanctuary, but is also flexible, allowing the sanctuary to be darkened, for a modern service using projection.
Photographs: Louis Joyner
Sanctuary Rendering by Saarinen office (probably Charles Eames rendering) c. 1940